The Bible recognizes two offices in the local church; these are the offices of elder and deacon.
Elders: The New Testament teaches that the church is to be shepherded, cared for, and protected by a plurality of biblically qualified elders who are tasked primarily with the ministry of teaching the Word of God and labouring in prayer. Elders are responsible for leading, teaching, and sacrificially serving the church as those who will have to give an account to God. The term elder is sometimes used interchangeably with "pastor" or "overseer" (1 Timothy 3:1-7; Titus 1:5-9; 1 Peter 5:1-5; Hebrews 13:7,17; Acts 6:1-7; Philippians 1:1).
Deacons: The deacons of the church may have varied responsibilities as they assist the elders, care for the practical needs of God's people, and serve the local church. Like the elders, deacons must also be biblically qualified for this office (1 Timothy 3:8-13; Acts 6:1-7; Philippians 1:1).

Shayne is privileged to serve as one of the pastors/elders at Grace Fellowship Church. He was born and raised on an acreage south of Edmonton, where he knew almost nothing of Jesus Christ or the gospel until the Lord graciously saved him in the fall of 2006. Immediately after coming to faith in Christ, Shayne became gripped with the desire to shepherd God's people, preach and teach the Word of God, and proclaim the gospel to the lost. In God's kind providence, he and his wife were discipled in a faithful local church in central Edmonton until they were sent out to plant Grace Fellowship Church in May 2021. In addition to serving as an under-shepherd, one of Shayne's ambitions is to see godly and qualified men raised up and trained for effective gospel ministry. To that end, Shayne founded a local church-based theological training ministry, Grace Theological Institute, which aims to prepare men for the rigorous demands of pastoral ministry. Shayne has completed formal theological training at institutions in Canada and the US. He is a lifelong learner and is currently completing additional academic work at Covenant Baptist Theological Seminary. He and his wife have been happily married for 17 years and are blessed with two children. In his free time, Shayne enjoys reading good books on theology, the Puritans, and church history. He also enjoys big-game hunting in the Alberta outdoors. ​

Sam serves as one of the pastors/elders at Grace Fellowship Church. He was born and raised in Germany and moved to Alberta with his family at the age of 19. During this time, the Lord, by His grace, allowed him the blessing of growing up in a Christian home. Always attending Sunday school and youth events, one evening Sam “gave his life to Christ” at a youth service in his early teens. Despite this profession of faith, however, it wasn’t until 2017, after many years of disobedience and rebellion, that he truly became aware of his sinfulness before a holy and just God. The Lord graciously granted him the gift of repentance, and Sam put his faith and trust in Jesus Christ for the forgiveness of his sins. Since then, he has committed himself to studying the Scriptures, conforming his life to God’s Word, and serving his Master. Shortly after Sam became a member of Grace Fellowship Church, he developed a growing desire and aspiration to serve God as an elder and faithful under-shepherd in Christ’s church. Sam is near to completing an Advanced Certificate in Church Leadership through The Master’s Seminary Institute for Church Leadership. Sam enjoys good books and is always listening to new lectures and sermons to sharpen his understanding of Scripture.