​Grace Fellowship Church Edmonton was planted in 2021 when a small number of families was sent out to establish a new church in southeast Edmonton. After over four years of prayerful preparation with our sending church, we held our inaugural service on Sunday, May 16, 2021, with 13 people in attendance. Since that time, we have watched the Lord build His church as we have sought to establish a biblically faithful, healthy congregation that is committed to proclaiming the gospel, preaching the whole counsel of God, and making disciples of Jesus Christ.
Central to our identity is a deep commitment to the doctrines of grace, which teach that God sovereignly and unconditionally saves sinners according to His own gracious will.​ We eagerly desire to be a church that takes the great commission seriously by faithfully heralding the gospel and supporting the work of gospel proclamation near and far. We recognize the centrality of theologically rich expository preaching in the corporate worship of the church. Moreover, we take seriously the role of the local church in raising up leaders through intensive discipleship and formal instruction that is characterized by biblical fidelity and theological clarity.
​Since 2021, we have watched as the Lord has built His church in ways that far exceed our wildest imaginations. As a growing multigenerational church family, we embrace singles, families, and seniors, integrating our children into our worship services, where we draw near to God in prayer, lift our voices in loud songs of praise, attentively listen to the preaching of God's Word, and remember the finished work of Jesus Christ at the Lord's Supper every week
We are excited to witness all that the Lord is building at Grace Fellowship Church. If you are looking for a church that believes, preaches, and seeks to obey the Bible, that treasures Jesus Christ, and that seeks to make much of Him through faithful and joyful Christian living, we invite you to join us!​​​​​
We exist to proclaim the excellencies of God and make disciples of Jesus Christ.​​​​​​​​​
Expository Preaching​​
When the church meets for worship, one activity stands alone in its primacy and priority: the faithful proclamation of God's Word. We are committed to systematically preaching through the Bible, verse-by-verse, as we teach the church how to understand and apply the whole counsel of God.
We have been granted confident and unhindered access to God through prayer. Though the ministry of prayer is easily neglected, it is our mightiest ally and greatest privilege. We are committed to keeping the corporate prayer meeting alive and encouraging a lifestyle of dependent and steadfast prayer.
As a church family, we strive to cultivate genuine Christian fellowship that extends far beyond our Sunday worship. We make it our aim to know, love, encourage, admonish, serve, comfort, and pray for one another--for the witness of the gospel, the good of the church, and the glory of God.
The family is a primary concern in God’s redemptive plan. We believe the best way to redeem creational norms in households and to preserve the faith multi-generationally is to integrate every member of the family in the regular worship and service of the church. We disciple fathers to lead and mothers to help, as they fulfill their blessed duty to nurture, instruct, and guide their children in godliness.
Missions & Evangelism
We have good news to announce to the nations! In response to Christ's great commission, we aim to faithfully herald Jesus Christ and Him crucified to the world around us. We live as a church committed to the mission, engaging in and generously supporting the proclamation of the gospel locally and abroad.